This week when I have been answering the phone i have been asked a lot “Do you sell to the public?”
At Coastal Turf we create beautiful lawns straight from our family to yours.
Dad Grows The Turf For Gold Coast & Beyond
My father grows the grass, on our family farm. Where our families live. My kids play on the paddocks. Their friends think they have the biggest back yard in the world. After my kids have proof tested your new lawn, and my Dad has grown and mown the grass to perfection, we put on our website that this breed of grass is ready to become your new lawn.
While my kids are proof testing the your new lawn, I am chatting to you on the phone about the best choice of lawn for your home. The girls and I in the office talk to you about how much sunlight your lawn will receive, if you have kids and dogs, and if the area will be mainly used for play, or show? This is how our family can match the best lawn variety to fit your family. Then we arrange the best time to get it to your place, we recommend you receive your new lawn the day you want to install it.
Dad and the boys then harvest your new lawn, and load the turf onto our trucks. The truck comes to your place and the boys use our skid steer loader to take the turf from the truck to your new yard. With there magic skid steer skills, the boys move the turf as close as possible to where the turf is to become your new lawn. We then slide the turf off the pallets and take the pallets home with us. And I can even arrange for my husband to come over to your place and install the lawn for you.
Tony can come over and prepare the area for you. Clean out any old vegetation, put in beautiful new soil, shape the area to suit your conditions, and then lay your brand new beautiful lawn. All while you can either sit back and relax, or go to work with no lawn, and return to beauty.
Our family loves lawns. We love relaxing on lawns, playing on lawns and and growing the best lawns. We know how much of a difference to your life a good lawn can make.
A good lawn makes you smile. Its makes you active, everyone wants to go outside. Ever notice that the grass near the path is always the first to wear out? Its because its a natural instinct to walk on fresh soft lawn. A good lawn can even make you money. A green well presented lawn can add on at least $70,000 to the value of your home according to LJ Hooker research.
And its our natural instinct at Coastal Turf, to create beautiful lawns for your home.
So, Yes I guess we do sell to the public. But what we really do is start something wonderful in our family, and pass it on to yours.
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From our family farm to your lawn.