School Holidays are here

Well isn’t it amazing how fast the year has gone. I know that I have mentioned it before but I am amazed. The kids are super exhausted and cranky at the moment and I can’t wait for Saturday when I don’t have to make the 2 eldest get out of bed and get dressed for school. Meanwhile the youngest is still up at 4.30am! AM! Who in their right mind wants to do that!

Farmers that’s who. Crazy people like my father out there making sure that the Blue Couch isn’t frosted and that all the grass looks good for when we bring it to you.

But while the kids are home, I say get them to work outside. Now is the best time of year. Not too hot, the sun doesn’t have that bite to it, and they are out doing something interesting for the day. The neighbors kids love when we bring home off cuts and they help put it down. There is lots of mud playing and stamping that they cannot get in trouble for. So why not get your kids out there to help put down some new grass. Get them to make their own football area this holidays. I remember the year Dad told Rob and I we could have a swimming pool if we dug it our selves. Well we dug about half a meter down by a meter across and then gave up and planted a tree instead. So maybe just go for a lawn bowls area. Thats nice and small and we do have the right Green Couch for that…Also for football fields too.

Dad says to say too that we will match prices for locals

Chat Soon
