Rain, Grass, and getting your new lawn

Well, haven’t these storms just been an amazing phenomenon. Wonderful to watch, scarey to kids, and way way to wet for my liking. I am now know as the mud queen by my children. Cutting the Blue Couch in the wet is an experience not to be missed. Mud is great for the skin I have heard.

I have been chatting to the “Weather Fairy” and said that we would appreciate a break in the weather. A little sunshine for a while would be wonderful. She smiled and then stuck her tongue out at me. I don’t think she heard my plee. So more rain is coming.

For all of you who have already put down your lawn, the rain will be doing wonders for for you. For those preparing to get a new lawn., hold off until the day of grass delivery and watch the skys! Mud is not anyones friend. No one really wants to get the soil all ready then have it wash away in the rain. And we just can’t harvest you any turf when its too wet. It falls apart and I will not sell you turf that is MUD. Coastal Turf prides itself on providing a good quality lawn for you to get the best looking grass at your place. Making the Grass on your side of the Fence Greener!


Weather Fairy

Weather Fairy

So please give us as much notice as you can for when you want your new lawn delivered, and I will try my best to get it to you. I will have a stern word with the weather fairy but not sure how far I will get.


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