Rain and Fresh Turf.

This week has brought lots and lots of rain, beautiful sun, really large puddles on the farm, a couple of stray eels and fish, mud, and of course turf harvesting to our farm. It has been lots of fun and adventures for all of us.

The start of the week began with the sun coming out and us exciting turf farmers waiting for the water to recede from our lower paddocks and clean up the debris from the other paddocks. And of course absolutely loving our few paddocks that didn’t go under. I don’t think I have ever loved the Buffalo paddocks so much. It is so tough and resilient, and super green that I fell in love with the Palmetto Buffalo all over again. These few dry paddocks like the Palmetto buffalo,  meant that people were still able (if there yards were still able) to receive their turf orders. Be they a little pre-watered.
Our water paddocks. Great for Eels and Fish

This week also saw a few paddocks covered with a lot of water. Which the dogs thought was so much fun. The eels and the little fish which usually live in our dams, were swimming free across the flooded paddocks. The dogs were amazed and the little swimmers keep them entertained for hours. It did make them smell less desirable when we had to jump in the ute to come home though. I would like to mention that absolutely no eels nor fish were harmed. Our dogs are not that fast nor clever and were just fascinated.


Harvesting turf after such a big down pour is always muddy and a little bit more fun than normal. I have decided that Mud is really good for your skin. It must be. I mean all those spas charge people for a mud wraps. I get to have mud spread from head to toe over me on super wet days and I’m sure my skin (of course once all the mud is washed off) looksIMG_0587 amazing. The smell although is not that much fun. Unless your a dog.


So in the interest of keeping my skin looking really young and also washing off the smell with lots of water, Coastal Turf is still able to provide you with all our turf varieties. Be they heavy and pre-watered for your coIMG_0366nvenience, we can deliver your turf to your door this weekend.


We are in NSW and NSW has the Queens Birthday long weekend this weekend, (happy birthday Queen!) so we will not be delivering turf on Monday. So get your weekend deliveries in now so you can knock over the dirt dirty part of your weekend over in the beginning and then you can get on to enjoying the rest of your weekend. Be it dirty or not.

Chat soon
