Queensland Blue Couch – tried and tested

IMG_2569Well its the first week back at school, and I think I may be more exhausted now, than when the kids were at home. I don’t know about you but getting the 3 of them then the 2 of us organised to go to school and work in the morning is a pretty full on adventure! And mostly we are on time to school. Mostly. And it doesn’t help the morning routine that we now have the new pup who helps us in the morning – you know really helpful things like stealing shoes that you have to hunt for, and sitting in the most unappropriated spots, or showing her pure love for us while we are trying to eat breakfast. She is a joy but a handful at the same time. That is why we have taken to having breakfast on the out door table. Firstly it eliminates the TV from any breakfast conversation, and secondly, it means the pup doesn’t whine becuase she can see us but not get to us. I though it was a time saving idea, sometimes my plans don’t really go to plan. And like recomending varieities of grasses to people I really do like to test try and prove to myself what works in various situations and what doesn’t.

Like the Queensland Blue couch above. I know that it can handle some wear. 2 rambunctious puppies playing on it all day, and 3 kids sparatically playing on it and it has held its own over the holidays. I love how even though it is soft under foot, it can still take my 3 kids and 2 dogs out “practicing” on the lawn. Now holidays are over, and school is back, the kids are now into practicing their respective sports which will start soon, and the pups are practicing to be Big Dogs. But when you look out the window it looks more and more like they are all just running around crazily on the lawn, and then falling haphazardly on the ground and rolling about. But they assure me its all for the better good. I do think that the lawn will be happy now the kids are back at school and it can have a little break, as will grandma. Recovery is sometimes the key to happiness in all our lives.

And what can I say? Qld Blue is definitely a good grass for our family. It is super soft at the moment, and a great green colour, so who wouldn’t want to roll around in it? I can safely recommend the Qld Blue Couch, but not the eating outside for breakfast to save time. Maybe I will unplug the TV at the wall so neither the Husband nor the kids can turn it on in the morning…

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Qld Blue – recommended by Kids and Dogs of all ages…