Qld Blue. The star of the heat!

My goodness it has been extremely hot! Even the kids are hot. Mostly my kids run around not noticing the heat, but even my little ones are complaining about the heat at the moment. There has been many a little trip to the creek this weekend. But I think the best time we had this weekend was installing a new lawn. It meant that there were sprinklers going left right and centre. And of course we all accidentally walked through the water. I can really see how the light watering in the morning and night that I recommend you do after you have installed new turf is so refreshing to the lawn.

As weird as it sounds I really do like installing new lawns, even working with my husband! (Like many if you I can only work inclose contact with my husband for short bursts. Its better that way). Tony the Turfman and I helped some lovely people in Cabarita Beach transform their dirt into amazing new beautiful lawn! And managed to get hot and then cool in the process. And I definitely earned our knock off beer in the process!

Dirt around the house
Putting down the new LawnThe beautiful Finished Lawn!

As you can see, turning someones lawn from dirt and dusk and yuck to Green lush Beautiful Blue Couch is amazing. It transforms a house into a home!

There house takes out my award for Greener on their Side of the Fence this week! It looked amazing, felt fantastic under our bare feet, and the kids couldn’t stop running around on it. We put them on watering duty! Turned out that was one of the Best things I have ever done!