Qld Blue Couch – Go the Mighty Blues!

The State of Origin is a bit of a contentious issue at our house, with half of our family born in Qld and half born in NSW. It always makes for interesting discussions in the weeks leading up to State of Origin. But I must say I was delighted last night that the Mighty Blues won the 100th game of Origin. Very excited.


And down on the farm, it always is a bit of a joke at this time of year about the Qld Blue Couch. I think that there must have been a “Funny” NSW person who decided to name Qld Blue Couch, and I think it was after the State of Origin. I think that NSW either lost that year and to stick it to the Qlders they called the softest fluffiest darkest green coloured lawn Qld Blue Couch. Now forever more Qld has its own lawn named after it, but with the BLUE’s tag formly entrenched. hehehehe

Funny how life is sometimes.

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Go the Might BLUES