Pottsville Public School Amazing new Cola is now Green

Over the past couple of weeks I have been working with Craig B the president of the Pottsville Public School P&C to green up around their new amazing exciting Cola (for those without kids at school that Covered Over Learning Area – or shaded play area). And we have taken the dirt to Gorgeous Green. I must say that the kids , parents and teachers that I worked with on Thursday were a fantastic group of people. The kids never wore out and with Pride in their step, they installed their new grass. The parents, some who had never installed grass before took to it with great gusto, and the look on the helping teachers face was fantastic as they saw their dirt filled play ground transform into a green lawn of joy (one little boys comment. I loved it!).

Here are the before pictures….

Before the school Cola dirt area was trasnformed...And more importantly the during and after pictures….

Potty School Cola area - all greenFrom all of us here at Coastal Turf, we hope that every child at Pottsvillle school enjoys the grassed areas, that the teachers can relax a bit more knowing that the kids are playing on soft grass, and the Parents congratulate themselves for such a great job. I know that I am a little sore and tired today. But I bet those kids are going strong today still. Itching to go out on the grass and play. Sorry guys not until after the holidays…

Chat soon all
