Parks, Qld Blue Couch, and impressive FUN!

The kids and I went to a local Tweed Shire park this week and had a great time before soccer training. Afternoon tea seems so much nicer outside on the grassy hills at the park than at home inside. And fortunately for us, on Tuesday the wind had not started up yet. It was wonderful to have the kids outside running around and great to see a park that was mostly grass land for kids to run on. So many of us are getting smaller yards and that means less grassed areas at home for our kids to play on, but as a bonus less for us to mow too.


We weren’t the only ones at the park after school either, there were heaps of kids walking home from school who stopped and had a wonderful play either on the equipment, but mostly on the grassed area, having a quick game of “footy” on the way home, a tag game running the grassed hills, learning a few cartwheels from friends on the soft grass, and so many other games.


At first I must admit I was a little surprised at how much all these kids stopped and played at the park before going home, but then I remembered when we were kids playing with our neighbours outside for hours too. I am sure there are kids playing games inside too, but there are so many who given the opportunity want to be outside running, jumping, cartwheeling, and PLAYING on the grass outside.


So lets keep giving them this opportunity. Lets keep our parks GREEN with grass, and parts of our yards soft green and fluffy for our kids to play on. And even hey, why not I might even go outside myself and try my luck at a cartwheel. But I think I will definitely give it a go on the Qld Blue Couch paddock, as it is soo super soft and fluffy at the moment. It loves its full sun that we have been having for a while now, and has its great dark green winter colour. I can’t emphasis enough the soft fluffiness of the Qld Blue Couch. Just the thing for a mother to embarrass herself in front of her kids trying to show them how cool I am, I mean SHE is,  by doing a quick few cartwheels this afternoon. But if like the certain she (or really me, Everyone knows it is me going out there to embarrass myself but have a good time doing it) and you don’t have a Farm with a lovely soft fluffy Qld Blue Couch, give us a call and we can get some Soft Fluffy Green Qld Blue Couch to your place. Don’t feel you have to cartwheel on it. But at least the opportunity is there….

Chat soon


Sliding fun at the PArk

The paddock that I shall be impressing my kids on....

The paddock that I shall be impressing my kids on….