Not getting Enough? Get some Blue Couch to solve that.

I am a mother of a Teenager, and 2 Tweenagers. And yes this does make me slightly crazy. But also it means that I hear a lot about what is trending on the net. At the moment all I have been hearing (other than stupid Narwal song. OMG! Do not look it up!) about is how People aren’t getting enough.


Now this can start off as an awkward conversation with your Teenager. When my son came and said to me “Are you getting enough?” my first face must have been one of shock and confusion. Cause his next statement was “Of Sleep Mum. Really get your mind out of the gutter!”

And of course I am not! I haveĀ a Teenager, and 2 Tweenagers! This causes you not to sleep well. Although physically harvesting turf, and installing turf does help me to sleep really well when I do finally fall.

My Tweenagers say its because my bed is not comfy. They said I should go down to the Blue Couch paddock and nap down there. Because it is so comfy and soft. Keith definitely thinks its a great place to have a nap.

Not getting Enough?


So if your not getting enough maybe go outside and lie in the lovely warm sun on your Coastal Turf Blue Couch lawn and relax. Get a few quick zzzz ‘s on the lawn. Before the kids catch you.


Chat soon
