A New Lawn for Christmas

Its only 2 weeks from Christmas. And these are usually the 2 biggest weeks of the year. For everyone!

For most of us, its these last two weeks before Christmas that sooo much gets done. Somehow we all manage to do about 4 weeks worth of work within a very short time. We all seem to cram in School concerts, End of year Plays, End of year presentations for sports and groups, Lots and Lots of Christmas parties, as well as quick and sometimes long, friend catch ups before Christmas. Not to mention Christmas present shopping, present wrapping, teachers gifts, and then Food shopping.

And for some people who are lucky enough to have their new homes finished just in time to move for Christmas , I cannot imagine how much you are going to cram into theses coming weeks! Moving is usually a very emotional stressful situation as it is, let alone adding in a little Christmas fun as well.  Or maybe just the present of a brand new home is a Christmas present in its self. Hopefully there is a bow involved somewhere.

When can I get my new Coastal Turf Lawn delivered? 

Maybe the next step as a present for new home owners is a new Lawn. Several years ago at Christmas, well actually about 17 years ago, before I had my kids, a lovely lady persuaded our family to deliver turf to her son on Christmas morning. She said he will love it as a Christmas present. So Christmas morning, Dad, my Brother and I left Mum at home to cook up a delicious lunch, and went to hand deliver 250sqm of Blue Couch into Kingscliff.

I must admit the three of us were a little nervous about dropping off on Christmas morning a lot of turf that HAD to be laid that day to a family that may have been getting their new lawn as surprise Christmas present.  What if we turned up and they are all sitting around inter PJ’s around the tree? Much to our relief, the Mother was staying with her son for Christmas and had already given her son a card with a blade of grass enclosed to show him what was coming. So when we arrived, He was actually really happy to see us (and they were all dressed, phew!) and he and his family put down their new lawn Christmas morning.

This year, however, I do have my 3 kids at home, and although they are not little, they are still young enough to bring the Joy of Christmas into our home. So we will not be offering Christmas morning deliveries. We will be making deliveries right up to the 23rd December so you can have your lawn all ready for your guests arrive for Christmas. Or if there are coming early, they can help instal your new lawn.

We ask you give us 3-4 days notice for all pick ups and deliveries.This way we can all be organised and have the turf to your place the day you want to install it.


But everyone is coming to our home for Christmas? When do I have to have it installed to be able to run around on it Christmas Day? 

If like us, and your Joyful Christmas is full of lots of outside running around, with games like backyard Cricket, and the all important annual water gun fight, getting your lawn installed this week is optimal!

By giving your new lawn a couple of weeks to get its roots down and get a real good hold of the soil; when it comes to Christmas Day shenanigans your lawn will be ready to go. You will be able to run, tumble, fall, sit, play and spill food and drinks upon your lawn and generally have a Jolly good time without too much harm coming to your beautiful green investment.

We recommend that turf have at least 10-15 days of establishment time before you have parties on it, or run the mower across it. So this week will be the best time to put in your new lawn. But which one to choose?

A beautiful soft Wintergreen couch lawn.

  • Wintergreen Couch is a fine leafed super soft couch lawn.
  • Although Wintergreen is soft and comforting to bare feet, the Wintergreen is tough and robust enough to withstand football teams pounding the turf all day and stay green and soft.
  • Wintergreen couch is perfect for areas blasted with hot sun all day, requiring at least 8 hours of direct sunlight per day
  • The perfect lawn for little kids to fall down on and be comforted by the soft fluffy lawn.
  • Favoured by Councils and developers as their Go-To turf due to its durability, and unique ability to revive with little watering.
  • Wintergreen is a perfect family lawn. A great durable lawn for kids and dogs.
  • Wintergreen is a great utility Lawn – easy to maintain, great dark green colour, easy to install
  • And best of all, as well as being good looking, Wintergreen couch is the most cost effective lawn to install.

Or a tough robust Palmetto lawn

  • Palmetto Buffalo is a thick leafed buffalo with a tendency to grow out rather than up, reducing mowing. In fact, a Palmetto buffalo lawn requires a third of the mowing of any other buffalo lawn.
  • Palmetto Buffalo has excellent shade tolerance, requiring only a minimum of 3 hours of sunlight a day.
  • Palmetto Buffalo holds its green colour all year, even during winter.
  • Palmetto Buffalo is a drought tolerant turf grass, requiring a third of the watering of any other buffalo lawn.
  • Palmetto buffalo lawns are thick and lush making your palmetto lawn weed resistant all year round.
  • Palmetto buffalo has a high salt tolerance, making it perfect for coastal regions.


So contact us now so we can arrange to have your beautiful new lawn delivered, either as a present to yourself or another family member, in time for Christmas!


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