Never bored on a turf farm

This week has been School holidays in NSW. I do enjoy school holidays because I can spend time with the kids. But yesterday the kids got “bored”. You know how they walk along and say this like “what can I do?” “its sooo boring here”. So I found them a job. When I was a kid I learned never to say I was bored on the farm, as the tractor cleaning or truck cleaning always become my job. And now I have passed it down to my kids.

Kids Cleaning the Tractor

Kids Cleaning the Tractor

Ohhh. So sweet when you can pass down knowledge. I Wonder how many times they will say they are bored again?

I can’t wait for the day when I can send them out mowing instead of cleaning.

So if your holidays are wet and your kids are “Bored”, get them cleaning a tractor, or better yet, get them to install your new lawn. I was speaking with a lovely man in Casuarina this week with the flu. And being school holidays he had his teenage boys at home and thought rather than have them sit around and annoy him while he was sick, he ordered 80sqm of Empire Zoysia for them to install around his house. And they did a bang up job in his words. Good on them. And they slept well that night. Especially after they rolled it as well.


Chat soon, hope your holidays with kids are interesting and exciting
