Smile, the sun is out!

Today is the first day I have really smiled in for so long.

The sun is finally out and shinning, and there just seems to be a much more positive feel to life today. As much as the rain is life giving and revitalises all the turf paddocks; for me it’s the sun.

Its the beautiful bright happy yellow sun, that sparkles down onto us and warms everything through. The sun, to me at least, just makes everything feel and look brighter.

The rain was amazing. And it has made all the turf paddocks look and feel so much greener and softer. The ground is now holding more water and replenishing the roots as they grow. Making the leaves stand up and wave at the sun. I think the turf is as happy as I am to see the sun!

In this very short time coming up to Christmas, everything can feel a little rushed and hectic! And I guess the rain does make us all slow down. Even stop. Giving us time to think about everything and more importantly, everyone that is important to us.

The rain has really put a dampening on our ability to deliver grass at the beginning of December. But on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th December we are expecting to be back in full swing to be able to deliver your turf grasses for your new lawn.

I you do need a new lawn or just some patches of turf, please put your order in as soon as possible, because there is only 4 of us. And we only have limited deliveries we can do.

Chat soon
