Murwillumbah’s school gets a new green area to play

This week has been all about going back to school for us and Tony the Turfman’s boys. The Boys said it was better than going back to school because they got to spend all day outside on the school oval, instead of having to go inside a classroom.


I really do hope they learned something though. I mean they all already know how to install quality turf, green side up. They know how to role so that no gaps are left and the ground is even for kids to play on. And they do already know how to drive the skid steer around to place the turf percent for installation.

After the floods, areas around Murwillumbah were deemed unsafe of the kids, the  town has been working really hard to get new green areas for our kids to play. And what is more green than Grass!


This new area will be great for sports carnival. lunchtime football games, and the chasing games across the grass. Ahh to be young again and run around on the grass.