Mental Health Day. Why your lawn is so important to your mental Health

Its world Mental Health day today the 10th October.

And really you are thinking why would a Turf farm think about Mental Health. Well, not only do we really appreciate our employees (who are more like family members) but because your lawn has the unique ability to change your mood.

This is one of those subjects I find really interesting and enjoy reading  about. The way that we see something and it instantly makes us feel happier, calmer and more fulfilled. Its called Colour Psychology. Colours are meant to have effects on moods. Thats why fast food restaurants are red. Red makes you feel hungry.

where as Green, makes you feel “better”.


“Color psychology suggests that different colors can evoke psychological reactions. For example, color is often thought to have an impact on moods and emotions. Sometimes these reactions are related to the intensity of a color, while in other cases they are the product of experience and cultural influences…. How does the color green make you feel? For many people, it immediately brings to mind the lush green of grass…Perhaps because green is so heavily associated with nature, it is often described as a refreshing and tranquil color.”

It seems Green Grass can also make you feel safe and happy.


3. Natural grassy areas can in still feelings of safety and may deter crime.

University of Illinois research in inner-city neighborhoods found that grassy areas that provide greenery but still preserve openness may deter crime. Residents who lived near open grassy areas perceived these areas as safer than other open, non-grassy areas, and they reported feeling safer. Outdoor graffiti, vandalism, littering, violent behavior and violent crimes were reduced in neighborhoods with open grass areas. also stated

14. Natural grassy outdoor areas can improve physical and mental well-being.

Lawns and exposure to natural outdoor greenery can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension, improve attention and increase feelings of happiness and serenity.4 For children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), play in grassy outdoor areas has resulted in significantly better functioning and fewer symptoms than play that occurred without exposure to such spaces.11 Additional benefits are still being discovered.

So its not just me who the green stuff on our farm makes me feel better. It has the potential to make every feel happy.

Give us a call today and we can help you feel happy with your new lawn, and improve all of our mental health.

Thank you, Chat soon
