Mens Mental Health and his lawn.

Well its the middle of June, and this marks the end of Mens mental health week. It is so important to get our men in our lives out there and talking.

And you know what? Your lawn is a great conversation starter for Men. A great lawn, that is thick and green us a great conversation starter. Neighbours will often stick their head over the fence and ask a quick “how’d you do it” question. and this can lead to so much more Men talk.

Even the most mundane talking about silly things like “how’s your lawn going mate” can lead to Real conversations about how a Mans days went. And all this talking realises little endorphins in Mens heads to make them Feel. And feel good.

And this talking for Mental Health does not have to just be over the fence. It could be with passers by. Or even on Social Media. The Australian Lawn Fanatics on Facebook is a great place for people to come together. And chat. Increasing good Mental Health.

And just being outside in the fresh air, breathing in all the great Oxygen that your lawn creates, is great for Mental Health. Man, Woman or Child.

And what is better for our retired Men than a good lawn bowls. There is always conversations over the grass those days.

Mental health is like all health. It has its Healthy strong times and its weak sick times. It’s important to everyone, that we try to keep ourselves Healthy. And if something as simple as your lawn can help you increase your Healthy strong Mental health, then let’s all get into it. You don’t need an expensive lawn. You don’t even need to start our strong. Just let your Mental health grow Healthy while making your lawn Healthy and strong too.

I am surrounded by men here at Coastal Turf. And in my family. And I know how hard it is for Men to have a chat with their girls about “stuff” but how easy it is for them to have a chat about Lawn care and Lawn Health. And how that just sometimes, that nothing chat change lift them up a little when thing have been a bit down.

So this weekend I am concentrating on Mens mental health. And making him smile more often like this.