Relaxing this weekend?
Or getting into all those jobs around the house that you have been meaning to do for weeks, months or years?
Will you be sorting out that Containers draw in your kitchen and looking for all the lids that match the bottoms? Will you be cleaning out that bathroom cupboard that hasn’t been touched for years? Will you be going through your wardrobe to try and get rid of those clothes that you are holding onto incase one day you fit into it again?
Or will you be outside playing in the sun, getting your yard ready for turf? Spreading some soil, getting your hands dirty and then being able to relax with that nice cool beverage in your hand at the neon of the day , knowing you have worked hard and done a good thing.
I know which one I would rather be doing! And it’s not the inside cleaning activities. I know its a really good thing that everyone does the whole inside big spring clean. Get rid of what’s not needed or doesn’t fit anymore and get ready for warmer seasons. But so often you do all this cleaning and put everything away neatly in the cupboard, and it looks exactly the same as when you started! OR worse because there are boxes everywhere. Which means more cleaning and eventually when you have more time and you remember a trip to the Opp Shop. Where you inevitably end up buying more of other peoples junk to out int o your cupboard or draws.
Isn’t it a much better idea to go outside and prepare your yard for a brand new lawn.? Isn’t it better to be able to really see all the hard work you have put in? And know that you are preparing for bigger and better things to come. Like your new green fresh lovely lawn?
The place where you can sit in the sun. Relax on the lawn. Play all the important backyard sports like Cricket and football?
And best of all, the place you can spend all you time in the warmer months, in the cool comforting natural environment of your lawn; instead of the harsh mean guilt tripping house that gives you that feeling of “you should clean me. wash me! Scrub me!”
All your new Coastal Turf lawn will say to you is “Come outside and play! Yes do come and enjoy yourself on the lawn! Roll around on the grass, play with the kids. Kick that ball on me! Why not invite friends over for a BBQ on me tonight?”
Now tell me what you are doing this weekend?