Some like it HOT! The blue does!

Who would have believed that we would be in a winter that means I can get my legs out into the sun? Most winters I am fully covered with several layers of warm clothes. I know. I know. We live on the Gold Coast and its always warm. Well, I believe that anything under 25 degrees is cold. Very Cold. Winter jumpers Cold.

So most winters I am very rugged up. You can imagine my joy when this morning I woke up and though “Yep its a shorts day”. My kids were stunned by the sight of my glowing white legs this morning. My Husband was surprised. My Dad laughed. But I believe none were more surprised than I that I could have my legs out in the air at this time of year. My legs went into a little bit of shock. There was no warm jeans encasing them, and the sun almost burned them when they struck them.

Like my legs, our lawns were not expecting to be exposed to warm hot air so early in the year. Most of our lawns are still trying to go through a “slumber” period and aren’t ready to be exposed to the warm, well lets face it HOT, weather. The leaves are drying out and they are turning a pale colour. Like my legs.

For your established lawns, best to get in there now and water for 5mins at a time in the morning and possibly the evening. Refresh the plants growth and cool it down. This will help to cool your home and retain that beautiful colour now. I would totally suggest a top dressing before Spring. This will help to hold the water against the roots.

For the new lawns that are being established now, what perfect timing! The soil is warm, that will encourage root growth! Faster establishment means you can send the kids out on the lawn sooner. And more peace for you. And when they come back in they will have clean feet! Beautiful!

And my pick for the best lawn to be installing at this time of year? Old Blue! It looks amazing and it doesn’t require a lot of water. 


  • Blue Couch is a very soft, deep Blue-Green, fine textured, leaf grass, that is native to the Far Northern NSW and SE Qld.
  • As a native of our area, Blue Couch understands our weather extremes, extreme heat, and extreme wet, then extreme dry. Staying greener for longer, and recovering quickly.
  • Like the name suggest, sitting on a Blue Couch lawn is like sitting on a soft comfy couch.
  • Blue couch is one of the most salt tolerant turf grasses available, and the most  drought tolerant.
  • Blue Couch requires a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight a day.

Blue Couch is the perfect lawn for those sunny areas around your home where you love to spend time without your shoes on.

For those who have established lawns, check out our turf tips page, for the wanting to create a beautiful Coastal Turf lawn, give us a call and we will send along all you need to create your amazing space.

Chat soon
