Welcome to a Fantastic Green New Year

This year our team at Coastal Turf is looking forward to a new year full of beautiful green lawns and smiling faces.

The last couple of years have been very full on! And I think we all are looking forward to 2022 hopefully not having so many headlines with the numbers of people we have lost. And more numbers about how exciting the future is!

One way that has been proven that everyones Mental health improves, is to surround ourselves with Green. For millennia our brains have associated the colour green with safety and good health.

Even in our cities Green means GO. Green traffic lights mean go.

Green at home means we have a sanctuary. A safe happy place that our families can relax, unwind, and play on.

Coastal Turf is excited to help create so many more sanctuaries. Safe places. Happy places. Lawns for everyone to be happy on.

Coastal Turf is really looking forward to helping so many people create a Green happy place at your home.

Whether you want a thick lush buffalo lawn, or a soft fluffy couch lawn, or an in-between Empire Zoysia lawn.

Give us a call and we can help you choose the right turf to become your new lawn like these ones.

Buffalo lawns are great for active families with shady areas. Couch lawns are so soft under foot, perfect for running around on with bare feet. And Empire Zoysia lawns are that beautiful space in between, soft under foot, but tough enough to handle anything you can throw at them.

Or get in touch with us and we can help you choose which lawn is best for you.