Lawns for Summer

If your like most people you have already been to the Varieties page and seen that most of our lawn varieties are unavailable. “SO WHAT DO YOU HAVE? ” most people are saying.


Well we do have at the moment some emerald Empire Zoysia, beautiful Palmetto Buffalo and some amazing Green Couch.

Empire Zoysia Lawn

Empire Zoysia Lawn


Palmetto Buffalo

Palmetto Buffalo

Green Couch

Green Couch










So we can help you have a magically green lawn for Summer. A place for you to enjoy the sun and cooling winds of the summer months in style. Whether you are lazing on your Zoysia next to the pool, Hitting a cricket ball on the Palmetto, or rolling on the Green with the kids.


We can fit the best suited variety to your sunny lawn, or your shaded area.

Chat soon
