Are you looking to install your beautiful new lawn now, but want to pay for it later? Coastal Turf has teamed up with After Pay to get your beautiful new lawn installed sooner, rather than later.
By installing your new lawn now, you will have it ready for all the Spring and Summer activities at your home, especially those on your lawn. Your home will look amazing with a beautiful green carpet surrounding it. Catching everyones eye.
But more importantly, your home will be prepared Spring and Summer activities. For backyard cricket (make sure you stay In your crease); picnics on the lawn; water ballon battles. Your new lawn will be the place to make new happy memories. The sun spreading warmth across your lawn will be the best place to hear the sounds of spring and summer. Laughing children, glasses clinking, birds chirping and the sounds of happy dogs wagging their tails in excitement. All by installing your turf now. Lawn Now, Pay later.

Winter is the perfect time to install your new lawn. The weather is cooler, so the turf and you the installer doesn’t stress or heat up as the new turf is turned in to a beautiful lawn.
And while you sit back near your warm fire and sip from your cup, basking in a job well done, your lawn is busily establishing new root systems quickly. But not growing its leaf too fast. Giving you more time to enjoying your lawn, rather than watering or mowing.
The simple process of Lawn now, Pay later can be easily completed through our website while you order your turf. And if you already have an after pay account, the process is even easier. Got questions about Afterpay? Have a look at their website for all the answers.
Can’t choose which lawn is best for you? Get in contact with one of out team and we can assist you with choosing the right new turf to become your new lawn. It may be a soft blue couch for close to the seaside, a robust Buffalo to handle all the fun and games you can throw on it, or a zen Zoysia allowing you to sit back and relax.