Lawn Life Choices

Often it can become so overwhelming when you choose the right varieties to become your new lawn. So at Coastal Turf we want to take the guess work out of one of your Life Choices. Your Lawn Life Choice.

Your Lawn Life Choice is probably not as dramatic as a lot of your other life choices, like Partner, Career or child’s name, but it is one, that made properly can created a smile on your ace every morning.

The different leaf sizes effect the way your lawn will preform. A thicker leafed lawn will generally perform better in the shade. A thinner leaf lawn will thrive in the heat and sun!

Not only shade and sun will effect your lawn, but also soil type and proximity to the Ocean. At Coastal Turf we have listen to where your new lawn will be, how it will be used, so we can match the best grass type to your lawn.

In our busy days, often you won’t have time to get down to the farm to check out the different grasses, or have time to get to one of our display yards. Knowing this, we have developed a program where we can match grasses to your new lawn and then send you photos of the leaf and what the lawn would look like straight to your phone.

A sample of the leaf size chart we use. call us today to get your comparisons sen tot you to make your Lawn Life Choice

So get in contact with us today and we will assist you in your Lawn Life Choice.