Has a your lawn gone from looking lush and a beautiful dark green colour over summer, to a brown, patch work of grass? Sounds like you have a Lawn Grub problem. The warm humid weather has been the perfect breeding conditions for that horrible pest- the LAWN GRUB!
Lawn Grubs have been devastating well maintained and much loved lawns all along the Northern NSW and Gold Coasts. The transformation from a beautiful lush lawn to patchy grass can sometimes be almost over night.

The evil Lawn Grub starts its life in an egg. The Mother moth lays hundreds of little eggs in a place that is protected from the elements. Like fly screens, ceilings, and clothes lines. Then the little caterpillar like grubs hatch at night, falling from their eggs to the ground on a thin silk like thread to the lawn.
These like bugs then sit in the thatch of your lawn feasting at night, and hiding and sleeping during the day in the lower parts of your lawn. They eat the leaf and all fresh growth first, then move onto consuming the entire lawn.
After gorging themselves, they cocoon and hatch into a mother who starts the whole process again. Looking for a healthy, lush , delicious lawn for its babies to consume.
The pain and suffering of watching your beautiful lawn disappear can be avoided though by using Acelepryn GR on your lawn. Either as soon as you realise you have them, or as year round protection. At Coastal Turf our crew recommends placing the granules in your lawn in September, to avoid the start of Spring Lawn grub invasion. Then again in December to protect you from the plagues of lawn grub that come in the moist warm conditions of Summer. Then again in March to protect you over Easter and into Winter. By apply 3 times a year you will be able to kill the grubs that are in your lawn now, while also having protection in your lawn for the lawn grubs you cannot see.
Not sure if you have them or if something else is happening with your lawn? You are always welcome to contact our Crew at Coastal Turf and we will do our best to assist you with the problem. It’s not just your lawn that you can let you know.
If you are worried about what is in the Aclepryn GR, have a read here about the ins and outs of the granules. Of all the lawn grub killers and protection substances, Acelepryn we have found to be the safest for families and domestic use. We still recommend using caution when applying, as with all substances to your lawn.
After you kill of your infestation, we recommend you apply a beautiful fertiliser to start the recovery process for your lawn. A Turfmaxx, or an All Rounder fertiliser will give you long term food for your lawn, and the liquid applications will provide a faster recovery for your lawn. Have a look at the different fertilisers here.