I love this quote. I was looking on line to find inspiration quotes to send to my daughter to keep the smile on her face, when I came across this one.
Not only does it kinda perfectly say everything that has been 2020 so far (please karma do not get me). But it also reminds me of when we have that one thing that we really want for an area in our home. Then when we investigate it properly and ask the people who know, we find out that it is just impractical and not gonna work anyway. Or worse going to cost us more money than we wanted.
It is sometimes defeating, but quite often when you have the right people on your side, it all works out in the end anyway. Like when a person calls us who really has their heart set on a robust buffalo lawn for an area that is in full baking sun all day or another who has their heart set on a soft wintergreen couch lawn for an area that is really shady.
These lawns will not really thrive and look as beautiful as they should.
Working with a family like Coastal Turf means you can get the best lawn to suit your conditions, and your budget.
When you describe your area to us, we start to form a mental picture of the area and then we can work with you to find the best suited grass for your home. Be it a thick leafed buffalo for the shadier lawns, or a soft fine leafed couch for full sun areas.
Or maybe it is suiting the best variety to your lifestyle. It is no good having a slow growing and slow repairing lawn if you have a soccer team training every day on your back yard now. You need a fast repairing, can-withstand-my-kids-at-home-training-now lawn.
All of which area possible. And always try to work with you an a budget too. Especially during these crazy times!
So even though your morning, day, week, month and all of 2020 has not gone as planned, let’s make it ok. Together.
Click here to see which new lawn will make you smile at your home.
Or here to get in contact with Sarah to get personalised help.
Lets get something like this at your place!