How do I choose a Grass or lawn for my House?

That’s a pretty tricky question for some people. The right grass for you can mean a lot of things . Sunlight, traffic and Price are very important. And the knowledge behind them is just as important. I know nothing about, and I mean NOTHING about diseases and the intricate workings of our bodies. So when I get sick or my kids are sick and I need advice and help I go to someone who knows like a Doctor or Naturapath.

So i think it makes sense that when someone who knows little to nothing about Grass, types and installation and best best grass for you, you need to come to someone with expert advice, like Coastal Turf. I myself have been living Turf since I was 16, and now I am 31, so thats a lot time and experience with grass. (I said this to one of my friends with  teenagers the other day and they couldn’t stop laughing. Kids now a days…Is that showing my age?) Dad has been farming for near on 50 years (he is supper old) and Macca nearly as long. Mick is a young one only Farming for 30 years. So we know a bit about Grass, how it grows, and how to keep it alive.

So maybe a Zoysia is best for your yard with its low allergenic qualities, thin leaves and drought tolerance and soft under foot? Or is Palmetto better for you with its rough robust leaves that is excellent near the saltiness of the beach side towns,  and so green in winter. But then again you may need the Softness of Queensland Blue Couch, with its excellent drought tolerance and beautiful softness underfoot and really easy care. Or for people with families and on a budget the unique Softness and Robustness of the Coastal Mix. Its perfect for families who have kids and/or dogs who want to run on the grass, crash on the grass and generally play outside and still have great looking lawns that don’t require you to be fussing over it.

Palmetto Buffalo, from my Mums House

Empire Zoysia from our house and its miss match lawn

So give us the Turf-perts a call and we can help you decide on the best Lawn grass for you!

Thanks and chat soon


So my lawn is mosaic of all the left over pieces of turf that the boys have installed at peoples houses. And it grows really well cause we Buffalo’s in the shady areas, blue couch in the sun, and carpet grass/Coastal Mix in the kids high traffic areas. I love it. Its always green and the kids love it cause they always have somewhere green and soft to play. I also love it cause after a day of looking after everyone else’s lawns, my husband doesn’t want to take care of ours, so it can be neglected for a while and still look great!


  1. Sounds like a small drainage problem. I think your soil is holding onto the water near the top of the plants and this is creating damp spots that can cause “mold” buildup. I think you may need to investigate into either putting in some extra drainage into your yard or top dressing your lawn. The top dressing will provide nutrients to your yellowing grass, and add some extra “dirt” to help absorb the extra water that is around. I don’t know much about Augustine turf, but I would also check that the grass was getting as much sunlight as it needs.
    Good Luck