Happy New Even Year!

I love even years! I don’t know why. I think we all have our little superstitions, and mine is that even years are much better than odd years. I think because all my kids were born in even years. And they are the bright light of our lives. And then the greenness of the farm always seems that little bit brighter in even years. It lights things up. And all my good news comes in even years, and bad news comes in odd years.

And thats why in this glorious even year of 2016, with the new years rain to bring new life to everything and freshen everything up for a bright and lush new year, Coastal Turf is offering a new discount offer of 5% off when you pay for your turf over the phone. Starting from the 6th January and going all year!

We wanted to share the hop and good will this year, rather than the hidden extras, we are offering obvious discounts! Other businesses charge you to use your credit card.  We are offering a discount for paying with your credit card on the phone! Or if you pay before your turf is delivered via direct internet banking transfer the day you order, you can have the same discount!

That way everyone is happy, and we make things more fair more Even. For an Even Year. Your turf will arrive in the morning all fresh and happy ready to become your new lawn, you will have your discount, and the boys will arrive with a smile on their face.

Chat soon

Happy New Even Year


Happy New Year from our  family to yours

Happy New Year from our family to yours