Green Grass around the Pool

On Friday afternoons I take my kids to swimming lesson at the Local Gym. They are fantastic with all my kids and my kids are starting to swim with a proper stroke. As my friend says they “swim like real people do now”. I took it as a compliment.

An while sitting in the grassed area watching them SWIM, and giving a Mother a quote o the phone I realized why the grass was so spongy and dark green. It was because it was our Palmetto Buffalo. True it was from many years ago now, and they have taken great care with it, but it is run on with gym training, has pool water splashed on it all the time, and has the wear and tear from being in a gym. It also has Rabbits eating it. And as you can see it is great. Green. Lush. Thick and great with no shoes. Well after seeing how much fun the kids where having I had to have a go my self.

Chat soon


(but there will be no photos of me swimming as I don’t swim like a real person, more like a dying walrus my 5 year old says. Ahh its the compliments that make you love them hey…)

My Boys Swimming like Real People

My Boys Swimming like Real People

The green soft lush grass around the pool

The green soft lush grass around the pool