Grass, Mud and Chocloate

Well the heading pretty much sums up my Easter weekend. It was great and Fun, but messy. I helped cut lots of Grass (turf sorry boys – “Its turf when it is out of the Ground Sarah”) for all those keen Easter bunnies who didn’t want mud around their place anymore. I envy you with your soft green grass down now. So clean and fresh, much better than MUD.

After a turf cutting the whole family (Kids, Dogs, Grandparents, My Husband and I), then all played in the mud at our shed while trying to install our new and exciting tank retaining wall. Believe me, if you ever EVER have to get a block retaining wall don’t call me. It turns out that building a wall and then pouring a whole LOT of concrete is not my forte. I ended up just running back and forward for water. But that was after I poured a bucket on concrete down my leg. I am good with Grass and Turf; Really really bad at concrete. But as I tried to explain to my husband, I believe that that is why people have trades. I don’t expect all you people out there who are not landscapers, turf farmers or lawn experts to know how to install turf or how to take care of it later. So he should NOT expect me to be an expert on concrete, or blocks or carrying either. But that is my personal view. I think that if you want your house built you hire a builder. And if you want your yard to go from mud and dirt to Beautiful lush green lawn, then you call Coastal Turf. And if you are brave strong, and a DIY person like my husband (who says that we saved sooo much money by doing it that way, which I know we did, but I think I lost my sanity about 30 minutes into it) I am more than happy to pass on as much of our expert advice to you as you can manage. At Coastal Turf we have a lovely little pamphlet that explains the best practical advice on preparing the ground for installation, installing the turf, cutting in and shaping, and all the other little bits that you don’t think of until you are half way through and wonder how exactly is that going to work?


My husband is a DIY type of guy. But we have a wonderful group of friends who are marvelous Tradies, from Block salesman and layers to builders to plumbers to electricians who have been giving him wonderful advice and then surreptitiously coming back and fixing it over the years. Thanks boys. But where were you when I was getting concrete poured down my leg. Probably sitting on the hill laughing. I know I was laughing and definitely would have been laughing if I was watching my silly show.


Ah and the Chocolate part of the Easter Break. Who else enjoyed the beauties of waking up Easter Sunday to “AHHHHH the Easter bunny didn’t come! Oh its ok Mum I found it. Can I eat it NOW!!!!” at 4.30 in the morning.  To which my Husband who is a big kid at heart says “Of course Its Easter Sunday the only day of the year you can.” So my just turned 4 year eat 1 very large chocolate egg, and 2 small eggs by 6 am. He was bouncing off the walls until 10am when he fell fast asleep.  I tell you our family is not coping with the change out of Daylight saving time very well. Too many very early mornings.

I hope everyone’s Easter Break was calming and enjoyable. And now that Easter is over for another year, and we still have chocolate left over, (I had to hide it from my 4 year old, and husband) its back to normal Coastal Turf Time. Back to turf and getting it to your place. Probably lovely and early, cause the kids are still waking up early and trying to get Chocolate for breakfast every morning.

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