Grass for the Good of all

Well its been a real community time at Coastal Turf this month. We have gone to Pottsville Beach Public School to supply and help install over 700sqm of gorgeous green grass, Bogangar Public School to spread the green, and Casuarina Hockey Club to Green their hill with Wintergreen Couch. I love working with community organizations. People are always excited about getting new grass, but when its an community organization, you get lots of really excited people who are keen to work. I suppose its because they have been working hard and long to get to the point of grassing an area, which is usually the final step, and People can finally see all their hard work put to use.  I have done my fair share of BBQ’s for schools and sporting clubs, and I’m sure that I will be doing more over the years, so I understand that when you fund raise and fund raise, its great to finally see why you stood at that BBQ for hours.


At Pottsville School it was great to see Mums, Dads, Teachers, kids, and community volunteers come into the grounds and install some grass so that the kids have now a lovely soft green patch to enjoy their summer on.


At the Hockey Club, Tony said that the look on the Hockey Club members face was a smile as wide as their face. And his smile was just as large when he talked about it. It is definitely rewarding when you install any lawn and see the smiling faces, but in large numbers it can bring a tear to your eye.

Tony and Keith the dog at Casuarina Hockey club after they installed the new green hill

Tony and Keith the dog at Casuarina Hockey club after they installed the new green hill

Chat soon


PS hope your school holidays are going well. 🙂