Grass from our farm to your lawn on the Gold Coast and northern rivers over the long weekend

How is your long weekend looking? Mine is looking a little wet. And I am very very happy to have grass around our place. This time last year it was all mud, and granted there are still many patches of mud, it is still lovely to have grass around the doors to take most of the mud away.

Winter is a long time to stay inside and really, in this beautiful place that we live in why should we stay inside all day when we could be outside enjoying the sun (when we have it). I have always found that my kids are much nicer when they have been outside, even if its just for a little while. And it is so much nicer to have them inside again when they aren’t all covered in mud.

Today I have taken pictures of four of the farms grasses to show you what your yard could look like. And how the different colours grasses could look like at your place. Especially around the door ways to take off mud from boots and feet before they venture inside!

Chat soon
Hopefully over a drier week

CTF grasses