Grass for the Kids!

Over the past year Bogangar Public School P&C have been slaving hard to flatten their school oval. Now the process has finally began and is nearly finished. Chicka’s Excavator work was amazing with Kings Machinery Hire to make the ground flat, square and playable. And I must say that my kids LOVED watching the trucks and Bobcats and Excavators work at school. Now its Coastal Turf’s turn to cut the grass. So today I have brought in everyone that I could think of to cut 2200sqm of couch, so we can supply the school at a very reduced cost. And the P&C is organizing volunteers to work with us tomorrow to install all the grass to make it look GREEN and GREAT! I am super excited, and I know that the kids at Bogangar Public School are even more excited. And I hope that the team of wonderful Volunteers are just as excited to come and help out. I even hear that the School is putting on a free sausage sizzle for those who help. Faantastic! that means I wont even have to make lunch. Even the kids are coming to help install. Will definitely put photos up tomorrow!


Chat soon

Off to cut turf


Harvesting away

Harvesting away

What Hollie and I will look like after we have harvested and installed the Grass at Bogangar Public School
What Hollie and I will look like after we have harvested (just me harvesting) and installed (both of us installing) the Grass at Bogangar Public School

What the grass will look like
What the grass will look like


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