Grass and the past week

Well you would have been a very happy little bunny if you had laid turf this week! All this rain will be doing wonders for the new growth for the grass at installed at your place. My Husband installed turf on Wednesday on the Tweed Coast. Now it poured with rain here and he came home a little bit cranky, but really happy about not having to water the turf in. So although the rain is no good for the people laying the turf, it is awesome for the Turf Installed.

So don’t let the rain hold you back from your turf installation jobs. It will stop that mud getting into your house and the grass will take off so much faster! And if you don’t want your installers (or family and friends who you have talked into installing the turf with you) getting cranky, get us in to install for you. I can cope with a cranky husband, I am used to it now. Or it hopefully it will stop raining soon. And then we can all be happy – you with your new installed turf, and me with a happy husband.


Have a lovely weekend – hopefully in the sun


Sare  🙂