Grass and Lawn, new and replaced; and we come to you!

Well we are rip rearing to go here at Coastal Turf! Literally! Matt, our amazing Excavator/Bobcat/whatever-machine-he-can-get-his-hands-on man has just been amazing last month taking out peoples lawns where they have had the wrong grass put in and it wont grow thick and fluffy, or it has been attached by lawn grubs beyond repair, or that people prefer a different type or style of lawn than they already have. And then he has been replacing them with wonderful soft fluffy lawns for them to enjoy straight away. The customers have been saying how lovely it has been to wake up with dirt and dying lawn in the morning and then that very night sit down at night on soft lush lovely lawn (try saying that really fast ten times!)! What a difference green can make! A day turn around is fantastic!


So why not give us a call and we can have Matt at your place giving you on on-site quote ASAP!


Chat Soon
