Good Old Fashioned Lawns

I remember as a kid my brother and I running through the sprinklers on a really hot day. We lived at the time in the Blue Mountains of NSW and we thought that 30 Degrees was the hottest temperature the planet could get to. So on a 25 degree day mum would turn on the sprinklers on our lawn, and we would get into our swimmers, so we could run through the sprinklers on the lawn. And always the neighbours kids in their swimmers too would come and run through the sprinklers as they shot out little showers across the lawn.

We had the old fashion ticking sprinklers, like the 70’s dance move. They shot out hard streams of water that we always tried to run through and see if we got a red sting lines on our back. Our neighbours were fancy and had a soaker hose sprinkler. Our lawns got enough water over the summers to stay green, thick and lush.

It was a great Australian tradition that has unfortunately dies out. It was not only great for us kids to be out together and cool, but it was better for our lawns because we  gave the grass a refreshing drink, at the time o f the day it was searching for it. Our Mothers were not the type that let us out in the middle of the day. We were out in the cooler times of the, from 4pm onwards, running under our sprinklers, giggling and squealing.


Not only did the sprinklers cool us down, but the lawn, and our homes as well. Making it a win win. The most important part to remember is that we were not out there for hours on end. At the most we were there for 20mins. Not only is that the perfect time for our little bodies to have been on the sun, but it is the perfect time for the sprinklers to be on our lawn. We moved it every 10 mins or so, or when one of us picked it up and ran after the others. Making sure the whole lawn got its drink, and that all of us kids were completely saturated.

I say bring back the god old fashioned sprinkler. Water your lawn for 10 mins at a time. Get your kids to giggle on your lawn. And if need be, show them how it is done!

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