
Get the Grass into your place

Well I don’t know about everyone else, but my house is quiet during the  day, Crazt in the morning and then slow and exhausted in the afternoon. Yes that’s right School has gone back and Marcus my littlest went to Pre-School this year. Its sad and lonely during the days now and the office and farm just aren’t as much fun. There is no real need for the toys to be here now, and like Macca (one of our amazing Truck driver and Grass Grower extraordinaire – and the adopted uncle of the family) we can’t really drive the tractor across the farm for no real reason anymore. Its only the first week and I can’t wait for school holidays. But it does mean that during the day now I have lots more time to talk and listen and help all of you with your Turf needs and desires.


And like the saying goes “the Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side.” I will miss all of them now, but maybe not so much in Holidays. So everyone lets get your grass grenner at your place so I can’t miss my kids and you can have a great place to send your kids out onto when they come home from school.


Chat Soon
