Family values for great quality new lawns.

Family Farm

Family Farm

At Coastal Turf we are a Family farm with “old fashioned” family values. I am one of these crazy mums that make everyone sit around the dinner table at night and discuss our days. Even though some days we are all on the farm together and we all know what has happened. I still make them sit and talk. And laugh and play and have fun together so we all know what is going on in all of our lives. It helps to create a trusting family unit, which means I know when Dad or Tony says that the turf is a good or great quality I know I can trust their opinion.


Which means that when I tell you that our Qld Blue Couch is thick and Fluffy and soft and Deep blue, it is from a trusted source. Straight from the farmers mouth. Or any of our varieties for that matter. And because it is a family farm and my husband installs the turf, I will only harvest turf and send it out if it is good enough for my husband to installs.


There is nothing worse than sitting around at dinner with your husband cranky because his day was really hard because he had bad turf to install. It is definitely much nicer to have a happy husband who has had a lovely day brightening someones home with great quality green grass for a beautiful new lawn.

Your new Lawn?

Your new Lawn?


So think about our quality care and serviceĀ  like this I will only harvest, chat with you and deliver your new lawn to you in a condition that I would want to sit around a dinner table with you at night and listen to how good your turf was.

Chat Soon
