Easter Rain

Well wasn’t the Easter break lovely. Having 5 days off in a row is very relaxing. But we were trapped in side most of the  time down here because of the beautiful rain. We are starting to call the rain not so beautiful now. Kinda getting very sick of it. And the kids are going a little stir mad. But to the rain’s credit the grass does look great. Its just no one can play on it at the moment. After much rolling we were able to cut turf, but not able to sell it because so many people who had ordered soil couldn’t have it delivered to do their prep work to lay the turf on. But a lovely lady in Banora Point had her Coastal Mix delivered late Thursday afternoon and laid it first thing Friday before the rain started and says that it is looking fantastic! That was a wonderful  Easter present for her I think. Not only did she have a lovely lawn to look out at from her new house, but no one walked mud through her house either. And that is wonderful!!!! I am very sick of the mud that is being tramped through the office by well meaning farmers…(Hope they get the hint. Probably don;t even read it but venting does make you feel better).


Although I can’t really complain too much. Barbara from the office has gone on sick leave for a while so Lauren is now filling in for her. And doing a great job. She now has a handle in the grass (hehehe just a double play on words. She really does know her grass types now.), and we both agree that working here in the office is much easier than wrangling our 2 year olds at home. So now you can ring and chat to two wonderful happy  friendly ladies in the office for turf sales and advice. Have to get a photo of us and our 5 children to show you how fun and exciting we really are.


We are going to a 3 year olds birthday party that we replaced the lawn for with some sweet smother this weekend. There is going to be about 15 three year olds and their parents and siblings so we’ll give that grass a testing, as well as the cake of course.


Have a lovely weekend everyone and I will let you know Monday how sweet smother copes with a kids and cake.

Chat soon
