Is your Lawn Easter hunt ready?

While walking over the paddocks this week I have found lots of these little sweet bunnies skipping through the grass.  It must be getting close to Easter. The beautiful Blue couch is the perfect place for a Hippty Hoppity Easter Bunny to hide delicious sweet Easter surprises. So is your lawn ready for Easter Egg hunts?

Bunnies in the Blue

The beautiful Blue couch paddock was the perfect hiding place of these little bunnies. The long soft leaves of the Blue couch provides a great place for bare feet to run happily across to find sweet treats, or for little bunnies to hide.

This Easter make sure your lawn is never mowed shorted than your second knuckle when you press your finger down into the soil. Autumn is the time of year your lawn is hunger and like a bunny or bear is trying to store fat for the winter. So feed it up with a organic pelletised fertiliser, like the Dino Fert, just before rain, or top dress with a sandy loam with chicken poo mixed through. This will give your lawn a big feed, and