Daylight Savings and how it effects your turf deliveries.

You know how some mornings it’s 9am and you feel like you have already accomplished so much. And other mornings you look up at the clock, and think ” what! It can’t be 9am already! What have I even done yet?”

Well today was one of those where has the time gone mornings where I couldn’t find anyone’s lunch boxes to put lunch in,  the kids missed the bus, and I still haven’t checked my emails or done my hair by 8.20am. And the kids have to be at school which is at least on a good day half an hour away, by 8.45am.  And that little panic button in my head started to go off, and the crazy mother came out in me.  You know the one that yells because their son only has one sock and one shoe on ( not necessarily on the same foot) and says they are totally ready, their daughters hair is sticking straight up, and they are throwing random things around to be able to find the keys which they know were around around here somewhere. And god forbid they find their phone without ringing it.

Well that was me this morning. The slightly insane one.  And then my obviously dressed and ready to go son ( in his one sock on his left and one shoe on his right) said to me ” Don’t worry mum. In Qld it’s only 7.20am. We have heaps of time.”

Now at this point, for those who don’t know, I just want to interject that our farm, where we live and go crazy, but mostly grow beautiful turf lawn grasses, is in NSW. Specificaly in Cabarita Beach. It’s beautiful. But in NSW we have daylight savings at the moment. We are an hour ahead of QLD.

My sons  calmness sometimes drives me absolutely crazy. And this morning , probably because I was already in crazy land, I just laughed instead of screaming. I thought I had done enough  of that already. And it did help release the tension and find the other shoe and sock!

It did make me think that it is quite handy Coastal Turf being in NSW and on daylight savings time. We can help service all the deliveries early in NSW, and then still be able to deliver nice and early as well to Qld. A win win situation. So lots of people can have the 7.30am delivery that they are hoping for. I love getting the turf down early. The sense of accomplishment after installing a new lawn by 9am is much better than not finding the other shoe and sock by 9am. (by the way we did make it to school. Just as the bell rang, and with both shoes and hair mostly done)

Coastal Turf runs on NSW time, so it does mean for all you Queenslanders that our hours of a little earlier than you. We are on the farm and in the office from 6.30am – 4pm Monday to Friday, and 6.30am – 11am on Saturday.

Chat son
