Cross Country Grass

I am a super proud Mother today as well as a proud turf Farmer. As you know earlier this year and late last year we put in new turf at the Bogangar Public School oval, and this week the grass and oval where so good that they ran the Cross Country on it. As you can imagine there where lots of cheering mums and dads and grandparents and friends and family wishing their kids on.

My youngest son and daughter had their races but due to rain the older kids had theirs cancelled. But I was so proud that they finished the races and also got a place card. Mostly that they finished. It seemed like a long way to me. And the grass looked great. It help up really well in the rain and kids running hardcore on it. Got to love that Green couch for its hardy resilience and dark colour.

Marcus and best mate Seth running hardcore

Marcus and best mate Seth running hardcore


As you can see Hollie was not as pumped as Marcus. Funnily enough she came 3rd and Marcus came 7th. But as you can see the grass is really green and kids are giving it a pounding!

So congrats to Bogangar Kids for a great run, and go my fast little kids, and great job green grass!


Chat soon
