
Many of you may nor may not know that my son Riley (who turns 13 is 3 days.) has autism. Aspect was a great help when Riley was little, so Coastal Turf is supporting Aspect’s #colourofautism campaign. Everyday on Facebook I am posting a coloured picture to do with Riley, autism and of course Turf. Riley is amazing and has learnt over the years to accept the dirt on his hands and help out on the farm now. His morning line now is what are my jobs for today? And what does he want for payment? WiFi Time! To watch Horrible Histories! Todays colour is green!

Family Farm

Family Farm

Go and support Aspect and their great work.

A soon to be mother of a teenage child. Sigh. Not sure if I feel old, or excited. I’ll let you know on Thursday.

Chat soon everyone.
