Our team at Coastal Turf is super excited to be in an Odd year. I think we like Odd years more than Even years because some people think of us as a a little odd…
I mean how many people do you know that love Grass? And not the Hippie Grass, but the Good Old Fashion Lawn. The greenery that encompasses our homes. The soft living carpet that comforts our feet. The safety crash mat that not only cushions our children when they fall, but absorbs all their bodily messes. The air purifier that encourages us to take that big breath first thing in the morning.
Well we do! And that is why we love cultivating our turf paddocks to become your new Lawn. Because we know how important it is to your every day life.

And we are ready to help turn your piece of dirt, into a magnificent lawn. We offer you advice on the varieties as well as a DIY guide to a new lawn installation and Aftercare to ensure your new turf grows into your new lawn.
And if you would like take the easier option, rather than convincing your Friends and Family to come to a Turf Laying Party, we can put you in touch with the best Qualified Installers near you. I mean who doesn’t love waking up in the morning and seeing brown sad dirt, But sitting down in the evening for a well earning Beer or glass of Wine with your toes being caressed but gorgeous soft Green Lawn.
So let’s celebrate 2019 together. Get in contact with us to arrange your piece of Greenery at your place.