Christmas Rush

Well it’s that time of year again when we are all getting set for all our family and friends to join us at our homes to enjoy Christmas together. And it’s lovely to have a beautiful lawn to play on during those great Christmas holidays. And this rain is a great boost for Christmas grass, giving your lawn a great big drink to start its life.

By installing your lawn now it will be fully developed by Christmas and all ready for that great traditional games that are played at Christmas. I don’t know about your house but ere we have back yard Cricket where everyone gets a bat, no matter how bad you are, and if you hit it too far for the dogs to go get it your out. Our youngest player is 2 and oldest 66, (but don’t tell him i put his age on the web) so everyone gets a turn. This game always spirals down to the more important water fight, and you can’t play water fights on dirt, so a nice soft grass under your feet is best for our Christmas’. So we don’t really were our Sunday best after lunch at our Christmas’ but easy to run in clothes.

Christmas cheer