Christmas Grass

Well hello December! Christmas is running at us and I had a friend ask me the other day what she should give her Brother who had just moved into his new house for Christmas. And after many thinking cups of coffee later I thought that a Coastal Turf Gift certificate would be great. Sometimes after you move in, and you want to have Christmas at your place cause you are very proud of your new place, you can become a little disheartened because the outside is still not perfect. Well family and friends, why not give them a Coastal Turf Gift Voucher and then they have get their yard finished and you can have a lovely place to have Christmas. And even if you want to give them a lovely wrapped certificate to them on the day we are open between Christmas and New year so we can deliver your lovely new lawn to you and get all your family and friends to help install it.


Merry Christmas and Happy Season Greetings


Riley the Christmas Elf

The Coastal Turf Christmas Elf ready to help give out Gift Certificates - or Riley my Eldest