Cheaper Lawns – more savings for refreshments

Coastal Turf is bringing in an exciting new way to purchase your new lawn this week. We are offering a Pay Now and Pay Less system.

Under this new system which starts this week, our as always, helpful staff will chat with you about the different varieties we can offer you and recommend the best for lawn for your home. We love turning people into Lawnatics!

After you have chosen the best fit lawn variety, we will then help you lock in a day for delivery or pick up. This can often be one of the hardest parts. Its really important to ensure that your new turf is turned into your new Lawn (laid or installed) on the day you receive it. So making sure you have the People Power to install your new lawn is important. Thats why we offer Saturday deliveries. Its usually so much easier to get your “Friends and Family” over for a “BBQ” to help you create your new green space.

Once you have chosen and then booked in your turf  for either pick up or delivery, you can give our wonderful office staff your credit card details or ask for your invoice to be emailed through to direct deposit the money to receive on average a 50 cents per sqm discount.

Which is a great saving. It means you can have money left over to buy the refreshments for everyone to help you celebrate your new lawn.

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