Camping on the lawn – a mini holiday for you and the kids

At they time of year, my kids always complain why don’t we go on holidays like EVERYONE else. It seems that everyone in the whole entire universe goes on holidays at this time of year, especially camping. We don’t go on summer holidays. We live near the beach, in a beautiful part of the world, where other people come to holiday. And the farm paddocks, the paddocks that will one day become your new lawn, need our care and pampering in summer to bring out the best in them, so your new lawn will be the best in the street. So this year, I sent my kids on a mini camping holiday.

Not really in an exotic exciting place with new and different people to meet, but in our backyard with the family pet dogs. On our soft cushioning Coastal Turf lawn. The lawn was a fantastic place for the kids to set up our two little tents by themselves, we did say no camp fire, and they set up their little beds in the tent. The cushion of the lawn was so much better for the kids bodies than the hard dirt of some of the natural parks dirt floor camping grounds I have been to. Last year we took out some beautiful green couch to the Hosanna Farmstay camping grounds in Uki NSW, and now I know why. It wasn’t just for the beauty of the lawns, (which is really stunning our there)  but also for the comfort of their guests.

This year if you are one of the people who don’t live in my kids universe of everyone going on holidays, and have kids who need to get out of the house for the night, I suggest kids camping on your Coastal Turf soft fluffy lawn. The lawn will be soft and comforting the kids happy they are on a special adventure, and maybe like my husband and I, you can pretend that the kids are away for the night and enjoy a relaxing glass of wine. Almost alone….

Kids camping

Kids camping

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