Beautiful Green New Coastal Turf Lawn – cure that Monday-itis

Like me, you are probably searching through the web in a Monday-itis type way. Thats what I call when on Monday morning when you have a week ahead of you doing some things you really don’t want to and some that you are really looking forward to and wish would hurry up, and you sit down in frontĀ of the computer and all of a sudden you are looking at Facebook, holidays of exciting places that one day you may get to visit, and at new home improvements that you can either get someone to do for you to make your next weekend way more exciting and relaxing, or some DIY tips.

And in your Monday-itis this morning you have stumbled across our page with new and beautiful lawns that really could be at your place. Instead of the dust and dirt and brown coming into your home and making all that hard work you have down to clean and tidy pointless, you could have this at your place….

Coastal Turf Qld Blue Couch Paddock

Or this…..

bbq and Qld Blue,

Or this….


Or you could stop dreaming and send a quick email to [email protected] and we can make it happen at your place. Or call and have a chat with me about how we can make your lawn a gorgeous green lush soft fluffy lawn that everyone will want to lie on.

That way we can look this this, but your lawn will look AMAZING..

Chat Soon.

Riley and I after we fun tested a new lawn going to Sanctuary Cove.

Riley and I after we fun tested a new lawn going to Sanctuary Cove.