Bad day Blues turned into Smiles all round through a beautiful Palmetto Lawn

I love getting out of the office. I love actually getting out and meeting the wonderful lovely people that I get to talk to on the phone and see what they actually look like rather than what I imagine what they look like. And often these amazing people are so happy and excited when I turn up that they light up my day.

Last Saturday I had one of those mornings where nothing seemed to go right. You know your coffee tastes burnt, the kids where all fighting and my husband had hogged the toilet for way too long. Then the farm called and said they need me to go out delivering as one of the men were sick. So with no food in my tummy, and the bad coffee taste in my mouth I quite grumpy walked out the door down to the farm and got in my little truck without saying a word to anyone. (I probably had that look on my face which said “Don’t talk to me ” anyway.) On the drive up to Tugun I went through the extremes of emotions that hunger people go through. Anger, sadness and then its all really my fault anyway. By the time I got from Caba to Tugun, my first drop, I was a whirlwind and not really sure how I was going to head through my day.

I knew I was going to see Dave, who had ordered several deliveries of Palmetto before. I had this idea in my head of a smiling joyous man, but my mood was not really allowing for many good thoughts to enter in.

Then I met Dave. Dave is magic. So excited and happy with his Palmetto Buffalo. His smile was so large that you can probe see it from space. He moved excitedly when he talked about his lawn and how proud he was of what he had achieved. He was so happy that we had brought him the last little bit he needed to finish off his yard. And I knew I would have a smile for the rest of the day. He was so thrilled with our Palmetto that he had made it a feature of his yard.

“Yeah, Just followed your advice Sares. And it worked out beaut.” Dave told me as we walked around his yard. The Palmetto was so soft, and had a wonderful bounce to it as I walked over it, even in my big clunky boots. The lawn had the aroma of summer, of freshly cut grass.

Dave had built himself a beautiful Sanctuary  from all the hustle and bustle of the Gold Coast. The green carpet of his lawn was a stark contrast to the concrete and sand of the Tugun region.

Enough Chat and babble from me about how beautiful it is, Have a look for yourself!

Just Beautiful!!!!

Dave said he loved to go out every couple of nights, Beer in hand and stand and hand water his yard. He loved to walk bare footed across his lawn and he said he felt relaxed and connected. It made the days work float away from his head space.

I drove away from Dave and his beautiful yard knowing that my day would be great. I headed over and got a coffee that tasted great and a quick bite to eat.

Thank goodness for wonderful people like Dave.

Cheers Dave, enjoy your Beer

Chat soon everyone else about creating a gorgeous yard like this for yourself.
