Australia Day FUN!

So whose up for a Very Long Weekend? How awesome is it that Australia Day, the one day we are meant to laze on the sun, sip our wine and beer, play lawn cricket, and wear singlets (blue of course) with speedos and bikinis no matter our size! And of course throw a snag on the Barbie! Its a day of fun, slip and slide and cricket at our house? Sure we are all a lot sorer from the cricket than the slip and slide (but that because the time honoured kids verse adult challenge is now serious because they are getting better than some of us. Mainly me) but we all throw our bodies into it.


Thank goodness is all I can say for our soft lawn where we partake enthuse little adventures. This year I turned 36 and I don’t seem to bounce as well as I did at 26! So when I throw myself down our slip and slide at speeds only reflected by a lightning strike and slid to a stop at the other end, its good to know that I have a super soft blue couch lawn to comfort my instability to stop. And for the Cricket match to end all cricket matches, the Kids verses adults, six a side Cricket match, pitching Mum verses Son, Dad verses Daughter, Aunt verses Nephew, Uncle verses Nieces, Grandparents picking the winning side as their own at the end, I do love a wonderful soft cushioning lawn to help me catch that match winning hit. I may fall dramatically when I pluck the ball out of the air. And my older not so fit as it used to be body is very glad to have the cushioning bounce of the Blue Couch to comfort my body.


So whats your Very Long Weekend (for those taking Monday off as well) going to entail? Installing a new Coastal Turf Lawn so next year you can hold the Match of the Year at your place? BBQing next to a robust Buffalo lawn? Strolling to the beach across the Tweed Shire Councils Coastal Turf Parks or just enjoying the park lands?

What ever you decide to do have a great time. And remember if you get your orders in by Friday we can deliver you some lush lawn for you to have an Australian Day party and have your friends come over and help you lay it!

Chat soon


PS no pictures to day as my kids who are still on holidays want to add a picture of me playing cricket. I said I didn’t think anyone needed to see such uncoordinated-ness.:)