Australia Day 2017

Everywhere I have looked up on Google to find out what is happening on Australia, every even has the good old fashioned BBQ, mostly in the park, and sometimes in private residences in their back yard.

So from my extensive 5 minute research I have, probably rather biasedly, concluded that you can’t have Australia Day with out Coastal Turf’s Grass and Lawns. Here is the way I have come to this conclusion.

BBQ’s mean going outside. And when you go outside, its best to go somewhere lovely. Not all concrete bound and hot. But somewhere cool, soft green and calming. Like a park, or for better access to all the amenities your back yard.

And for a park in the Tweed area, there are no better parks for Australia Day fun than Knox Park in Murwillumbah. It has fantastic play equipment for all kids, and the grown ups as well, a great big skate park, and a fantastic soft, green lush Coastal Turf supplied  Wintergreen Couch park lawn area, perfect for the Cricket game, or football match. Depending upon the weather. If its really hot, I have found it best to stand with cool refreshment in my hand and “Field” at the Cricket match. If it is a bit cooler than a game of fast paced Touch football is on the cards for our family and friends. I am a perfect scorer in these circumstances. As I am not good at running, or catching, or any football stuff really. And while scoring I could also partake in a light refreshment filled with ice as well. The wintergreen couch provides great ball rolling ability as well as being comforting when you dive for that catch, or get “touched” a little too hard and your body makes contact with the grassed areas.

But if its the Beach, you are looking for, then Cabarita Beach Headland, Kingscliff Beaches, and Pottsville beaches parks all have the perfect green grassed areas to picnic and get changed on. As these are of course Coastal Turf Blue couch. This super soft lawn area will comfort your feet after the heat of the sand, and provide your picnic blanket with a comforting padding to sit and eat upon. And it is perfect for those accidental spilled refreshments. It will soak it right up. No mess, No Fuss.

But if you like to be responsible and partake in more alcoholic Refreshments and not have to drive around, then the Coastal Turf Backyard Lawn is perfect for you.  We will be match the tight grass to your area. Making sure you get the right grass for your area first time. Creating the best BBQ and play area for family and friends to come and praise you on.

Whether it be the thick leafed spongey Palmetto, perfect for low light yards, and those with kids with Trampolines. My yard has super spongey Palmetto around our trampoline for 3 years now and it takes hardly any water and less mowing to stay nice and thick and soft for the kids bare footed. Its great.

Or a Zoysia yard for those with a softer side but still have the kids and dogs using the yard for family fun. Its great for those at home touch football matches. The Zoysia cushions you as you fall, and then have several if not all the kids jump on top of you.

Or a family favourite the Coastal Mix yard. The combination of the two types of grasses tother make it a very cost effective lawn. Not just in the initial purchase of your turf, but in the maintenance and up keep of the lawn. Using a third of the water to stay green and thick, the Coastal Mix is perfect for high use areas, with family fun all year round. And especially on those awesome Public Holidays (or basically a 4 day weekend!) when you can have several BBQs and refreshments with friends, guilt free.

We can bring you a beautiful Coastal Turf lawn this Wednesday all ready for you and your family and friends to out down on Australia Day. Nothing more Australian than helping out a Mate! Lock your delivery in now for a Late Wednesday delivery, or a Friday morning delivery. Make the most of our semi-Four day weekend.


Chat soon, And have a great Australia Day


Coastal Turf will be eating laminations and having a sausage sizzle on the 26th January, but back on the 27th to fulfil all your Lawn needs.